Will I void warranty if I install Arctic Accelero?

Updated on 10-03-2016 in R9 390 Series
3 on 24-02-2016

Club3D R9 390
I love the card but whenever I play anything and the fan needs to go 40%+ (usually 50c+) the fans get loud, Can I install the arctic accelero fan & heatsink without voiding warranty on the card?

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0 on 01-03-2016

Hi There,

No problem to lace a third party cooler without the warranty be voided. As long as the card is not damaged, you’ll be fine. Whenever you would need to warrant the card, just place back the original cooler first.

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1 on 06-03-2016

Took longer than expected for a reply. But glad to have gotten one in the end, Thank You very much. been thinking between aftermarket cooler or water cooling, but the card is still new and I hate voiding warranties so early.
EDIT: just realized it says 5 days ago, I only got the alert about a reply just now!?

on 10-03-2016

Hi ,

Yes sorry about that. We very recently migrated our website and forum to new server and hosting company … still quite some fine tuning to do 🙁
Sorry for the inconvenience

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