are royalqueen cards Ocable?

Updated on 29-09-2015 in R9 390 Series
3 on 25-09-2015

I’m asking because some years ago I had a 6950 royal queen that would crash even with a small 50 mhz oc and had no voltage control.
Now I have a r9 290 royalace and a friend asked me if he should buy a 390 royalqueen, since he saw my 290 going so well, but I don’t know if I should say yes or no since no Oc at all is not really a good deal for a 330 bucks card.

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0 on 25-09-2015

Good day Damian,
Our CGAX-R9399 = Radeon R9 390 RoyalQueen is build with the same components, pcb and Tripple Fan CoolStream Cooler that we also use for the R9 390X.
This means that we provide better quality materials than necessary on the R9 390.
The memory is running at 6000Mhz already, and does not have “lot’s of room” to OC .
The GPU is clocked at 1010Mhz (where 1000Mhz is reference), i know some users have this running on 1075Mhz in a stable manner, but i suppose this also is depending a bit in the individual GPU …
Overall you should be able to get up to 10% extra performance with OC/finetuning the settings.

  • Liked by
0 on 26-09-2015

thank you for your answer.
luckily we found a 390 royalqueen on sale for 300, so I suggested my friend to pick it up asap.

  • Liked by
0 on 29-09-2015

Have fun with it 🙂

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