[REPORT#1940]Club 3D R9 285 does NOT support mixed rotation Eyefinity PLP

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The Club 3D R9 285 Royal Queen (royalQueen) graphics card states that it supports Eyefinity in mixed orientation (as does AMD for all R9 285 cards). That is the only reason I bought it. (I use 3 screens for gaming, in portrait-landscape-portrait layout.) However, upon testing it, this card does NOT support mixed orientation Eyefinity. CCC forces me into landscape on all screens.

I am writing in the hope of having the flaw corrected in a future card release, & also to inform prospective buyers. The card cannot currently be used for PLP (portrait landscape portrait).

1. Text here states that it is supposed to support mixed orientation Eyefinity:


“The Club 3D AMD Radeon™ R9 285 Graphics card is loaded with the latest from Graphics Core Next Architecture, including mixed screen resolution and orientation for AMD Eyefinity Technology…”

(and AMD says it in their Full List of Features: “Rotated Eyefinity Support for Radeon™ R9 285… Enables a mix of portrait and landscape oriented displays”)

2. Software: I did driver uninstall/install correctly (new CCC Omega driver of Dec 8 2014). I also used CCC correctly. Mixed orientation was NOT an existing option for Eyefinity (I cannot turn the screens as advertised). Screens are all forced into landscape, when I require 2 to be in portrait.

3. Hardware: I have common current gaming hardware, it is not my fault. The card does not support its claims.

I am very unhappy. To be told it offers what I need, when it doesn’t. It is false advertising, there is no Eyefinity PLP support. I am contacting both Club 3D & AMD about this, & posting this on both WSGF & Club 3D forum. It may be that all R9 285 cards do not support their mixed orientation claims. The problem needs to be addressed, PLP needs to be supported.

If anyone has insight in this matter, please respond.



Please feel free to delete the post, or change the title. I posted the original complaint, but think it is fixed: I believe the new AMD drivers will correct the problem with mixed rotation. This post is now very bad publicity for no reason. Your card probably works fine now with Eyefinity mixed rotation.

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