2017 MacBook Pro with 30″ Apple Cinema Display

Updated on 05-10-2023 in USB Type C
10 on 18-01-2021

Hello Everyone,

I have a 2017 15″ MacBook Pro with 4 USB-C ports…and want to use it with an older Apple 30″ Cinema Display.  

I know Club-3D has 2 potential products that could be used in this situation…they are:

  • Club 3D CAC-1510 (HDCP ON)
  • Club 3D CAC-1510-A (HDCP OFF)

From what I learned while researching…I should be purchasing the Club 3D CAC-1510-A (HDCP OFF)…since the “HDCP OFF” version is supposed to be the version to use with an Apple 30″ Cinema Display.

Here’s my confusion.  I only learned about the HDCP ON / HDCP OFF information…AFTER I had already ordered the Club 3D CAC-1510 (HDCP ON) version (not the correct one).  

Since I already received the Club 3D CAC-1510…I thought what the heck…give it a try.  I plugged the 30″ Cinema Display DVI cable into the CAC-1510…then plugged the CAC-1510 into my 2017 15″ MacBook Pro’s USB-C port.  

From what I’m seeing (so far)…everything seems to be working fine:

  • I have “normal” looking output on the display (normal brightness, normal color, etc.).
  • Have the correct resolution (2560 x 1600).
  • I’ve rebooted a couple times…have done some basic computing with the 30″ display attached via the CAC-1510.

…and so far everything seems ok.  


I guess my main question/concern is…if things (so far) seem to be working ok with the Club 3D CAC-1510 (HDCP ON) with my 2017 MacBook Pro + 30″ Cinema Display…should I stick with what I have?  

Or…is there a chance things could suddenly stop working (hours, days, or weeks from now)…and what I really should do is purchase the Club 3D CAC-1510-A (HDCP OFF)…which is supposed to be the correct adapter to be using with my 2017 MacBook Pro + 30″ Cinema Display?

Thanks very much.

  • Liked by
0 on 19-01-2021

Hi Alfuzzy,

Why fix something that works? Is what I always ask myself. So stick with it, I’d say.

There is a firmware update to turn it off and on again so no need to purchase a new one. You need to mail support@club-3d.com for it. Contact them once you feel like it doesn’t work for you like it should.

  • Liked by
1 on 19-01-2021

Thanks Baak for the reply…and thanks for the info on the firmware update.  

I did learn about the firmware update via one of the Club-3D forum threads.  Unfortunately from what I’ve read…a user needs a Windows computer to apply the firmware update to the adapter.  

This seems sort of silly…since many owner’s of 30″ Apple Cinema Display’s also use Apple computers…and may only have an Apple computer available to them.  Sure Windows can be installed on an Apple computer via various methods (which is a hassle & can cost a bunch of $$$).  A firmware update for this adapter really should be macOS compatible…since Apple Cinema Display’s are Apple products.

Why fix something that works?” 

I’ve done a ton of research on this subject…and there are folks out there that claim to have found solution’s to the 30″ Apple Cinema display & newer Apple products (for example 2015/2016+ models).  

I’ve tried a bunch of these solutions (including the Club-3D CAC-1510)…and the only solution that has worked so far was the Club-3D CAC-1510.  But…in one of these discussions where someone mentioned having initial success with a Club-3D CAC-1510…they also mentioned after a couple of weeks…they started having issues.  

Thus this is why I wasn’t 100% sure that the Club-3D CAC-1510 I purchased (and initially has worked fine with my 30″ Apple Cinema Display)…would be a true long term solution.  This is why I asked the question regarding the Club-3D CAC-1510 vs. the Club-3D CAC-1510-A.

I actually have purchased both versions (separately)…the CAC-1510 & CAC-1510-A.  Both are sitting on my desk now…but haven’t yet had the chance to test the CAC-1510-A.  

Thanks  :  )

on 19-01-2021

Hi Alfuzzy,

Completely understood about the people only able to use Apple computers. Hence why they sell 2 versions ;). It is not really a firmware update it’s just turning the HDCP on or off, nothing else.


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  • Liked by
0 on 19-01-2021

One thing to remember…there really isn’t a “Windows Version” and an “Apple Version”…both products (CAC-1510 & CAC-1510-A) contain product description info compatible with Apple computers.  But the CAC-1510-A is probably marketed more to Apple users.  

Although Windows users could theoretically use a 30″ Apple Cinema Display…and need the CAC-1510-A.  :  )

  • Liked by
1 on 19-01-2021

A bit of an update for anyone following along.

Background:  I purchased both the Club-3D CAC-1510 and the Club-3D CAC-1510-A (on different days)…after learning about this HDCP on/off issue.

Just had the opportunity to test both adapters with my Apple 30″ Cinema Display with my 2017 15″ MacBook Pro…and both adapters seem to be working fine.  Not sure if a more extended test is needed…or if the HDCP on/off difference between these two adapters should be apparent immediately upon connection.

At least in my case (initially)…both adapters seem to be working fine!  :  )

on 06-09-2022

Have you tried viewing content that is actually HDCP protected – such as Netflix?

HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) is after all a protection system in order to stop illegal viewing of copyright protected material.

Additionally, there were two versions of the 30 inch cinema display; one of which, produced in 2006 and later actually was HDCP compliant

Sorry to add to the confusion 🙂


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  • Liked by
0 on 21-01-2021

I have one HDCP ON adapter marked “CAC-1510”. I have two of the HDCP OFF adapters – one is marked “CAC-1510” and the other has an updated label marked “CAC-1510 HDCP OFF”. My Apple Cinema 30″ display only works for a couple seconds with the HDCP ON adapter from a Mac mini 2018. Maybe different GPUs or macOS versions have different results?

  • Liked by
0 on 19-02-2021

Has anyone tried the CAC-1510-A on  the latest Apple Mac Mini with the MI chip running Big Sur 11.2.1 to run an Apple cinema 30” Screen at the maximum at 2560 x 1600 resolution? I’ve tried some others, but without success at this res. even using the options key..

  • Liked by
0 on 10-03-2021

@ If you have a Apple 30″ Cinema Display that works with the HDCP-ON adapter, then maybe you have a newer Apple 30″ Cinema Display than I have?

Grab the EDID (maybe use the AGDCDiagnose command on an Intel Mac – I don’t know how to get the EDID from an M1 Mac), then use edid-decode to decode it.

I have EDIDs for three DVI Apple Cinema displays (23″ and 30″). The newest one supports HDCP:
– Apple 30″ Cinema Display from 2005 product ID 0x9232 = 37426 has a “Display Information Extension Block” that says “HDCP is not supported”.
– Apple 23″ Cinema HD Display from 2006 product ID 0x9223 = 37411 has a “Display Information Extension Block” that says “HDCP is not supported”.
– Apple 23″ Cinema HD Display from 2008 product ID 0x921c = 37404 has a “Display Information Extension Block” that says “HDCP is supported”.

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