Normally all USB C Adapters need to be active, so i can understand the mistake (made it myself as well in the beginning). However since the video signal is in fact a displayport signal, in the cas of CAC-1507 / CAC-1517 not need to convert any signal.
In all other cases (that i know of) USB C Adapters are active.
By the way where did see it advertized as being Active ? Needs to be changed ..
– Custom Resolution Intel Graphics Software
Making that Custom resolution in the Intel Graphics Driver should be something like this …
Open Intel Graphics Control Panel, Choose “Custom Resolutions” (left bottom option) It will asks you if you wish to continue; YES
Standard the “Basic” setting is shown, click on “Advanced” , make sure you make this custom resolution for the correct screen (left bottom)
Fill in; Width 3840 ; Height 2160 ; Refresh Rate 60 ; Set Timing Standard to CVT-RB for use with TV (and for use with Monitor you can leave that on “Auto”).
If possible please set Color Depth BPC to 8 Bit. and click on “ADD” on the right bottom of the window. Now this resolution I added to the system and can be chosen.
Go back to “General Settings”(left top) , it will show the basic options and here you can now choose the 3840×2160 resolution at 60Hz.
(You might need to so a reboot first)
In MAC OS you might need a program like SwitchResX to be able to do Custom Resolution Settings.
If you had SwitchResX already, it sometimes to make a clean install of SwitchReX and/or make a new user.
We do have user feedback that they have it running without such setting on 10.12.4, this does sometimes involve making new user or even re-installing the OS completely …
Apparently old files are “in the way” when using the upgrade feature …
I have no any addition applications (like SwitchResX) on my macBook. I have no any changed settings (only system defaults). After a lot of experiments with system settings, I reinstalled my macBook. And I have good result on my TV (3840×2160@60Hz 4:4:4). Next is screenshot of my system information if you need
If I understand right TVs recognize your device as “unknown” HDMI device (like dvd player with HDMI or BlueRay for example) as default. So need to “say” to TV that its device is the PC (or something like this) only. It is was not clearly In my TVs.