CAC-1373 HDMI 3 Meter cable No Certification

Updated on 16-03-2021 in Adapters and Cables
4 on 13-03-2021

CAC-1373 3 Meter without sticker

I brought mine on and came in a plastic bag, no box as shown on with no Certified sticker and on the cable its self only says “Club 3D High Speed HDMI”. So can not scan the cable with the HDMI Certified app. So no idea if this is an Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable. Not Good.


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3 on 15-03-2021

Hi Becks69,

It did not have had a box? Club 3D ships everything in a box, nothing goes without. Please check with Amazon.

There is a white label on the cable, what does that say?


on 15-03-2021


Have you tried 4k120Hz yet?

Apperently this cable is from before the certifications.

on 15-03-2021

Hi, Thank you for the response. The white label Says “Club 3D, CAC-1373.


on 16-03-2021

Hi Becks69,

Then it’s from before the certification. Club 3D was not allowed to print Ultra high Speed on the cable yet due to not being certified. They are now.

Have you tried getting the 4K120Hz resolution yet with the cable? Because that is the standard, then you know it is certified.

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