Club-3D CSV-2302 Ready for OS X?

Updated on 23-03-2017 in USB Graphics
17 on 27-07-2015

Hey folks

I saw a short movie on youtube where a man described that the adapter will work.
Have any one some experience whit CSV 32012 an Mac OS X

Thanks for replay


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1 on 29-07-2015

Hi Flighter, 
Yes the CSV-2302 features a DisplayLink SoC which supports Mac OS X. You do need the right driver, version 2.4, which can be found and downloaded here:

on 02-08-2015

Thank you 🙂

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3 on 11-03-2017

Just bought your external graphic card, but it isn’t working like it should. I tried to install the drivers from your website ( ), restarted my Mac, and after that connected the USB cable.

The maximum resolution I get is 1920 x 1080. It should be 3840×2160 (Ultra-HD). Besides that the cursor respons really buggy. Like I am working on a remote desktop on a slow internet connection. A lot of lag. There is certainly something wrong with the driver or the card.

The LG screen is working properly. Without the Club 3D card I get 2560 x 1440 with a displayport / mini-display port cable connected to my thunderbolt port.

on 14-03-2017

answered by

on 14-03-2017

Yes, thanks. The answer was that there are issues with the latest version of the drivers for MacOS Sierra. You can try to install the version before the latest version. 

I tried that last night, but the issues remain on my machine. (Macbook Air 2013 11″ with MacOS Sierra 10.12.3).

I hope there will be an update of this driver really soon, or I send this adapter back to the store.

on 14-03-2017

I think the are many issues with Sierra and that everybody is really busy trying to fix that with drivers …
I have heard of users not getting it to run, but “a lot of lag” is not something “common”. Like it is not receiveing anough power or something … you checked the USB Cbale to the CSV–2302 ? Does it make a difference if you connect the Macbook to the power adapter ?

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2 on 17-03-2017

No, doesn’t make a difference. Left or right USB port also doesn’t matter. And I tried it with adapter in my Macbook. No difference too.

on 17-03-2017

i will have this tested here on macbook pro 2015 with sierra and get back to you after the weeknd with the result …

on 17-03-2017

Great, thanks in advance.

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3 on 19-03-2017

I tested the CSV 2302 with Displaylink 2.5.1 and 2.5 drivers. No difference at all. The lag remains and the resolution isn’t even near UHD.

on 20-03-2017

Hi Ericovk, 
Sorry but i do nto have feedback for you yet and if that is not bad enough … i will only have it for you not tomorrow but on wedensday.
Sorry for the delay

on 20-03-2017

Dear MST1407,

Thanks for your reply. I am curious to your results. Hope you have some results Wednesday.

on 23-03-2017

Hi Ericovk,
Got feedback for you. Tested with Macbook pro 2015 with sierra on it.
First un-installed Displaylink software that was already on it and reboot.
Downloaded and installed Displaylink driver from Club3D site version 3.0 and reboot.
Connected CSV-2302 to Samsung Monitor with DP Cable and then to MacBook Pro adn got a picture.
Tested 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p, all working fine. No noticable mouse lag. Working just fine.

What LG screen do you have ? Is it capable of doing 4K at 30Hz ? not all screens that can do 4K at 60Hz can also do that at 30Hz …

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3 on 23-03-2017

Hi Ericovk,
Got feedback for you. Tested with Macbook pro 2015 with sierra on it.
First un-installed Displaylink software that was already on it and reboot.
Downloaded and installed Displaylink driver from Club3D site version 3.0 and reboot.
Connected CSV-2300 to Samsung Monitor and then to MacBook Pro adn got a picture.
Tested 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p, all working fine. No noticable mouse lag. Working just fine.

What LG screen do you have ? Is it capable of doing 4K at 30Hz ? not all screens that can do 4K at 60Hz can also do that at 30Hz …

on 23-03-2017

Thanks for checking. I have the LG 27UD88-W. It’s one of the best LG’s on the market atm, so I guess it should be supporting 30Hz, though it’s not in the specs @ .

on 23-03-2017

ps: I always uninstalled older driver versions before installing another version.

on 23-03-2017

That is indeed a nice Screen, but please cjeck with LG if it can do 4K in 30Hz.

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