Club 3D Radeon R9 290 Royal Ace burnt

Updated on 27-01-2017 in R9 290 Series
8 on 21-01-2017

My  pc suddenly switched off yesterday while browsing. A smell of burnt electronics emitted from the vents. Luckily my power supply prevented more damage by shutting down my pc. I found out it was my Club 3D Radeon R9 290 Royal Ace which had failed. Of course the card is no longer under warranty (28 months old) and my supplier is not lenient by granting me a discount if i would buy another videocard. I never overclock components because i don’t want to stress them more and i don’t like the extra noise it would produce. Surely the lifespan of such an expensive videocard should be longer than this?

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0 on 25-01-2017

Hello Smallblock,

can you send a picture ? of component that failed ?

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6 on 25-01-2017

I think that can only be done by removing the cooling hardware and that means i will have to break the warranty seal.

on 25-01-2017

I think it is probably one of the VRMs. That’s where the burnt smell comes from

on 26-01-2017

Hi smallblock,
We do not place “cards out of warranty” for taking off or replacing a cooler. As long as there is no physical damage …
VRM’s can indeed get hot or very hot in some cases, but i have not seen many actually burned. Anyway, No problem taking off the cooler.

on 26-01-2017

you can send picture to

on 26-01-2017

Ok, i sent the photo’s with attn MST1407 ……… I hope they arrived. I did get a error message from from my mailserver :/ Thank you for your time 🙂

on 27-01-2017

Hi Smallbock, no sorry did not receive it.
please make sure the picture is not bigger than 2Mb

on 27-01-2017

Ok, second try 😉

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