My question is, Would CSV-7200H and CSV-7220 be able to run both monitors at 5120 x 1440? Even at 30Hz? Is the HDMI port on those models HDMI 2.0?
My question is, Would CSV-7200H and CSV-7220 be able to run both monitors at 5120 x 1440? Even at 30Hz? Is the HDMI port on those models HDMI 2.0?
Since the U4919DW supports DisplayPort, I would use a DisplayPort 1.4 MST hub that has two DisplayPort outputs.
5120×1440@60Hz is less bandwidth than 4K60 and a DisplayPort 1.4 MST hub can do up to three 4K60 displays using DSC and the iGPU supports DSC.
Why can’t people write proper specs?
The specs for the CSV-7200H do not explain the maximum bandwidth since it does not state if the 4K60 mode is 8bpc RGB or 444 (requires HDMI 2.0 bandwidth) or 4K60 8bpc 4:2:0 (requires HDMI 1.4 bandwidth). It’s probably HDMI 2.0
It also doesn’t explain the max DisplayPort bandwidth since it does not show the number of DisplayPort lanes. The link rate numbers it does show are for single lane. It’s probably 4 lanes.
The specs for the CSV-7220 or even more ambiguous.