DisplayPort CAC-1091 Cable – 4K 120hz or 4K 240hz?

Updated 2 days ago in Adapters and Cables
3 3 days ago

I have a question about a confusing situation.

After receiving the packages for a RTX5080 and Gigabyte FO32U2P I wanted to make sure to get a cable that can run 4k 240hz without DSC.

After some searching I found the Club3d CAC-1091 cable which I’ve purchased. The website states it should be able to do 4k 240hz, the picture of the box on the retailers website also shows that it should be able to do 4k 240hz.

However the box that I’ve received only states that the cable can do 4k 120hz. The strange thing is that the cable is Vesa 80 certified so if I understand that correctly it should be able to use the full bandwith and therefore 240hz.

Did I misunderstand and should I return this one and get the CAC-1092 instead?

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1 3 days ago

“UHBR20”, “80 Gbps”, “VESA DP80 Certified”, all mean the same thing – that the cable supports the max bandwidth of DP 2.1. All other descriptors are superfluous. The certification is a bonus but something that you should look for in any DisplayPort 2.1 cable.

The cable has the CAC-1091 tag on it?

It would be interesting to compare a picture of your box with that of the product page.

4K240 has a pixel clock of at least 2285 MHz. UHBR20 can do that without DSC up to 10bpc which is sufficient for HDR.

The CAC-1092 appears to be just a longer version of the CAC-1091. I don’t know why the product pages show different lists of resolutions. It’s confusing. Maybe it should just show maximum pixel clocks.

These max pixel clocks for UHBR20 don’t include FEC:
8bpp: 9671 MHz
9bpp: 8597 MHz
10bpp: 7737 MHz
12bpp: 6448 MHz
18bpp: 4298 MHz
24bpp: 3224 MHz
30bpp: 2579 MHz

CVT-RB2 timings:
3840 x 2160 60 Hz 522.614 MHz
5120 x 2160 60 Hz 693.264 MHz
5120 x 2880 60 Hz 924.144 MHz
6016 x 3384 60 Hz 1273.210 MHz
5120 x 2160 120 Hz 1427.088 MHz
5120 x 2880 120 Hz 1902.576 MHz
7680 x 4320 60 Hz 2068.660 MHz
3840 x 2160 240 Hz 2285.203 MHz
6016 x 3384 120 Hz 2620.304 MHz
10240 x 4320 60 Hz 2751.105 MHz
7680 x 4320 120 Hz 4258.377 MHz
10240 x 4320 120 Hz 5663.203 MHz
7680 x 4320 240 Hz 9045.676 MHz

2 days ago

Okay that’s good to know. So in essence the cable I bought was correct but due to the marketing it got confusing. The website is as follows;


and I bought it from this retailer:


Both showing 4k 240hz on the box.


But I received this package, advertising 4k 120hz;


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0 2 days ago

The first DP80 products were marketed differently, as there were no screens to use it on. As @joevt said, the most important thing is the speed of the DP80. Your cable has it, so it can support all the latest video technology.

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