Output always 60Hz?

Updated on 09-01-2017 in USB Graphics
2 on 06-01-2017

Does a USB3 graphics adapter always output 60Hz?
My monitor requires 60Hz input but my notebook can only output 1920×1200 @50Hz
Will the adaptor ‘convert’ that 50Hz into 60Hz.

Same for 2560×2600 @30Hz
Will that also be output at 60Hz

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0 on 09-01-2017

Hi Blitter,

No an External  USB 3.0 Graphics does not always output 60Hz.
The Displaylink GPU insode does generate its own Video Signal, so the resolution support is depending on the GPU inside. 
Having said that, they all can output 1080p at 60Hz also when your system cannot.

Not sure what screen runs on resolution 2560×2600 30Hz, but i am quite sure this resolution will not be supported also not in 60Hz.

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0 on 09-01-2017

Thanks for your answer. Sorry for the typo…

Same for 2560×2600 @30Hz  —> Same 2560×1600 @30Hz

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