Sorry i can’t make any pictures and i can’t install any games :-/
Hi Paul!
I’ve changed my adapter to ORIGINAL CLUB 3D active adapter cac-1153 and everything is fine!
All problems are gone!
Thank you for Your help!
O! And now i’ve connected 6 tv LG47″ to my Radeon HD 7870 Club3D 2GB 6xminiDP eyefinity 6 coolstream and it’s working 😉
Thank You for response.
About Q1 – What is the difference between active adapter with extra usb cable and minidisplayport to hdmi ACTIVE without USB cable. Is it 4 real ACTIVE adapter – – because it doesn’t have any USB (in my opinion USB is giving some power and then connector is active)
Q.3 Can I use miniDP with USB to DVI + CONVERTER DVI-HDMI + HDMI CABLE for my 6 tv screens?( Ofcourse each slot from my card with set desribed above). Using my Radeon HD 7870 Card
About Q.2 Using R7 285 and 290 series
. Paul Are You 100% sure that it will works. If i choose this option i will need
DVI to HDMI converter + HDMI cable. Correct me if i’m wrong.
One more time Thank You for response.