RE: MST Hub Stops working when Computer goes to sleep

Home Forums MST Hub Stops working when Computer goes to sleep RE: MST Hub Stops working when Computer goes to sleep


It’s the CSV-5300 HUB. I have installed the latest Quadro drivers tho I cant find a sticker on the cable. Theres a sticker on the power cable but it says nothing about Firmware.

I got everything working again by unplugging the hub, both DP cables and the power cable. Then first attatching the DP cables to the hub, power cable to the hub and lastly the hub to my graphics card while the computer was running. Then I had do a clean install of the NVidia driver since the Quadro deteced one of my displays as a Mobile Device Display.

I’m not sure I dare to reboot my computer now If I will have to do this everytime power goes off