CAC-1023 DP 3m Ext (Loss of audio)

Updated on 18-07-2021 in Members Lounge
2 on 16-07-2021

So bought Model: CAC-1023 1 month ago, due to delays from Club3D to my e-tailer it arrived today.
But there is no audio, I see the audio signals going through the system, but there is no output…
Removing the extension cable and plugging in my normal Displayport.. I have audio…

Is there a CLUB3D cable issue or what is this??

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0 on 16-07-2021

Also the Extension cable is triggering a weird boot.. no video output, the computer stalls, wont display Windows 10 lockscreen. I need to force my normal Displayport cable to boot with and to use audio…..

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0 on 18-07-2021

The CAC-1023 appears to be a dumb cable – it should not modify the capabilities of the source or sink.

Maybe it adds too much noise in the signal because of the extra length and the transition between two cables. Maybe the shorter CAC-1022 would work better. A single cable would have the best signal. Or maybe a repeater like the CAC-1007 should be used in this situation.

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