Does Club 3D Make An HDMI Out to USB-C With a USB-A Host?

Updated 2 days ago in USB Type C
1 on 20-03-2023

So I know Club 3D makes the 4K 60Hz HDMI to USB Type C Video Cable and I am currently using this for my Windows PC to an LG UltraFine Display and it works great but I can’t use my USB-C pass through to the computer. Apparently Wacom makes what I am looking for which is the, Link Plus for Cintiq Pro 13/16 (ACK42819), I am here to see if Club 3D makes anything similar.


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1 on 03-04-2023

CAC-1336? Both the Wacom and the CAC-1336 are limited to USB 2.0. The Wacom is limited to 4K30 from HDMI 1.4. The CAC-1336 can support up HDMI 2.1 and timings with width > 4096.


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