Fan bearing noise

Updated on 02-02-2016 in R9 280 Series
5 on 13-01-2016

Is there a place that i cant buy remplacement part ? i disasemble the heatsink but those fan are built in plastic cover it can be one on one replace … there’s a bad concept for this …

So i shearch for an fan cooling mount for an r9 280x royal queen

sorry for my really bad english im french i hope you can understand all

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4 on 14-01-2016

Bonjour Croustisan68, your English is better than our French! Replacement for the fan should be available, please send an email to [email protected] mention the problem, date of purchase and serial number of the card and our colleagues will try to help you out. Thanks.

on 14-01-2016

i did that like one week ago… it why i came here and i know the warranty is already finish

on 15-01-2016

Hi Croustian, our support team is managed separate from our forum but we have no possibility of offering solutions other than our support team can offer you.

on 30-01-2016

is there any other way to contact support service ? i dont have answer from them

on 02-02-2016

Hi Croustian68,

Sorry about this, i will pick this up and answer you from support mail

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