Multi Stream Transport (MST) Hub DisplayProt 1.2 Dual Monitor – No signal

Updated on 26-06-2017 in MST Hub
1 on 23-06-2017

As you can see in the headline the topic’s about my problem about getting a signal through the display port.

1. The USB – A cable and the Display Port are correctly connected with my notebook (Win10).
I got 2 monitors in front of me, which should get the splittet signal from the notebook (or any signal).
On both outputs there are DisplayPort to HDMI Adapters so my monitor-signals should be linked with the MST by HDMI:

2. If I put the USB – A cable and the Display Port into my Computer (Win7) there’s at least the same desktop on both monitors (getting signal), but on the notebooks they’re black. You know what I mean?
I tried some things in the display settings – no chance. Can’t move forward.

>> I want to use two different desktop monitors with this notebook <<

It’d be very nice if you can help me! (Sry if my english grammer isn’t the best)

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0 on 26-06-2017

Hi TobiasBinz,

Sorry to hear this.

Sounds like the MST Hub (I assume CSV-5200) is working. I mean on your PC it does give out signals.
* What Notebook do you have ?
* What DP to HDMI Adpaters or Cables are you using ? 
Because an MST is an Active device those converter Adpaters or Cables need to passive ones.

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