Over the Air Digital Converter to Apple Studio Display

Updated on 17-01-2024 in USB Type C
3 on 08-09-2023

Over the Air Digital Converter to Apple Studio Display.

Is this possible?  I can’t find any information anywhere.  I started a thread in the Apple Community and no one knows there either.  I’ve been told maybe and no.  It would be an HDMI out on the Digital Converter and in on the Apple Studio Display.  I’ve tried two different cables.  I have a uni-directional cable from HDMI to USBC3 Thunderbolt.  Still I can’t get it working.   Seems like it should.

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0 on 09-09-2023

Over the air digital converter just produces an HDMI signal. It shouldn’t be any different than an HDMI signal produced by any other source such as a PC or gaming console.

If you can get it to work with a normal display then it should work with the Apple Studio Display.

However, the Apple Studio Display is not as normal as it should be. People have difficulty getting it to work with normal DisplayPort and HDMI to DisplayPort connections.

See https://insights.club-3d.com/thread/lenovo-l14-hdmi-apple-studio-display-cac-1333-2/

You should test the sources and displays and cables and adapters with other sources and displays and cables and adapters to see what works.

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0 on 14-09-2023

Connecting an HDMI source to an Apple Studio Display, which uses Thunderbolt 3/USB-C for input, can be a bit tricky due to the different interface types. While it is technically possible to connect an HDMI source to the Apple Studio Display, it may require specific adapters and settings to work correctly.

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