R9 290 royalKing – Installing drivers causing massive issues

Updated on 26-07-2023 in R9 290 Series
19 on 02-06-2015

Ever since I installed the card (even before installing drivers), the splash screen has been replaced with this: http://i.imgur.com/2jiB7wG.jpg
This appears to be the same screen seen by the user in this thread: https://insights.club-3d.com/thread/r9-290-strange-screen-at-startup/

Everything is more or less as you would expect until the drivers are installed. The display constantly hangs then crashes: http://i.imgur.com/NNTsx8c.jpg
And there are artifacts covering the screen: http://i.imgur.com/6DacLHa.jpg

I have tried installing AMD Catalyst versions 14.4, 14.9, and 14.12, all with the same result (I used Guru3D’s Display Driver Uninstaller between each installation to make sure previous versions were wiped clean). I am at a loss. Here is my setup:

  • Mobo: Gigabyte Z68X-UD4-B3
  • CPU: i7 2600K
  • 8 Gb RAM
  • 750W PSU
  • Misc.: HDD x1, SSD x1, Blu-ray reader/writer x1, fan x3

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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3 on 02-06-2015

Did this happen when you swapped the card or when you installed the new card? Was Windows already installed with a old card?

on 02-06-2015

Thanks for the response Paul!

After inserting the card, before installing the AMD drivers, the only issue I had noticed was the mobo’s splash screen appearing as such: http://i.imgur.com/2jiB7wG.jpg
I assumed this was simply a consequence of the missing drivers so I went ahead and installed them, which is when the other artifacts started appearing, and the hanging/crashing started happening.
I had been using an EVGA GeForce GTX 570 HD alongside Windows 7 in this build for 4 years with no issues. The NVIDIA drivers have been removed using the Display Driver Uninstaller I mentioned, although I did forget to do so before installing the new card.

Also, unrelated question, is there any way to delete comments on this forum? I accidentally posted this comment as a reply to my post rather than your comment, and I’ve only figured out how to remove the text rather than delete it entirely…

on 02-06-2015

Can you tell me the power supply make and model?

on 02-06-2015

Certainly, it is the one found here


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0 on 02-06-2015
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12 on 02-06-2015

Chachamara, can I ask what BIOS version you’re using? I am in the other thread with the exact same screen as you, although I haven’t had any artifacting yet and no issues with the drivers crashing.

I am planning on giving the UEFI version a go tonight but if you are already on that and have the same screen I don’t see a point in trying. If you aren’t, I will let you know tonight what the result is from that test.

on 02-06-2015

Certainly! I am at work right now but I should be home in a couple hours, I’ll get back to you then. Thank you very much for your reply!

on 02-06-2015

Pre driver installation: http://i.imgur.com/4xCgFKU.png
Post driver installation: http://i.imgur.com/zYpUM0G.png

This is from installing Catalyst 14.12. Please let me know if there’s anything I can test on my end to help us figure this out

on 02-06-2015

Ahh, I meant your motherboard BIOS version. The jumbled screen you see at the start is actually the first stage of the POST operation – during the jumble is when you’d press delete to enter the BIOS, F12 to enter boot menu, etc.

When I used my original card the screen displayed properly, but the 290 royalace is causing the identical jumble as yours. I’ll be updating my BIOS later tonight to UEFI which also has a new splash screen and I’m hoping it will solve the issue.

I’ll likely be doing this within the next few hours and I’ll let you know what I end up with. I feel like I’ll have a slightly different looking jumble to take a picture of :P.

on 02-06-2015

Oops, of course! That would be “Award Software International, Inc. F10, 21/02/2012”. I assumed you meant the GPU BIOS since that seems to be what’s causing the problem. Good to have both of them on hand in case somebody else asks me at least, lol

on 02-06-2015

Yeah it does seem to be GPU related but I’m wondering if you actually have two issues – GPU issues with artifacting and everything as one, but also a compatibility issue between the mobo BIOS and the card. Since I don’t have the other issues you’re having and I believe we’re on the same BIOS version, it seems reasonable that the jumbled load screen might be fixable with a BIOS update and if so, that could be one less thing for you to troubleshoot :-D.

I’ll do my BIOS flash in a couple hours and let you know of it solves that issue.

on 03-06-2015

Hello again.
I was unable to flash to UEFI, the Q-Flash utility Gigabyte wants you to use refused to accept the file saying BIOS checksum error or something along those lines. However, I was originally on F9 and updated to F12 (the most recent non-UEFI version) and did not see improvement. Since you’re on F10, I think we can rule out a compatibility issue.

I did however get the screen to go away, but it is more of a Microsoft approach. Under Advanced in the BIOS settings you can disable Fullscreen LOGO. It’ll give you the text based POST instead and there is no graphical glitch.

Sadly, I am highly doubtful that would help with your other issues. Sorry this was of no use, if I manage to get to UEFI I will let you know what the outcome is. I believe it is possible with a DOS bootable USB drive, but I’ve not personally tried yet.

on 03-06-2015

Thank you so much for following up! I think I agree with your assessment, but nonetheless it’s worth a try. I am just about to go to bed now, but I will give it a shot in the morning

on 03-06-2015

Check with Gigabyte if they can sort out something here.

on 03-06-2015

As could be expected, disabling fullscreen logo did nothing to solve the crashing/artifacts. I would assume it merely hides the glitchy BIOS screen rather than resolves it anyway.

Paul, are you saying Club3D won’t be able to support me with these issues? I understand how Gigabyte could be pointed to as responsible for the glitchy BIOS given they’re the common factor there, but Noxxville7 has had no other issues while I obviously have, and I’m not really sure why they’d be responsible for those

on 04-06-2015

Can you have the card swapped by your shop? If not please contact us to support@club-3d.com and please follow instructions with our support team. They will want to have the invoice of your card. Please tell them you are refereed by Paul at Insights and send them this link so they can follow your story.
Kind regards

on 24-06-2015

Happy to report that having the card replaced has solved the issues! Not counting the funny splash screen, since that was actually resolved prior to the replacement by upgrading my BIOS to UEFI.

Thanks very much for all your help!

on 24-06-2015

I am very glad that the matter is resolved.
Happy gaming!

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