BIOS update for Legacy BIOS motherboard

Updated on 14-06-2017 in R9 270 Series
6 on 10-06-2017

I was wonder if there was a BIOS update for the GPU. GPU works great however it will not work in anything that doesn’t support UEFI, which is an issue with my current equipment. Will not POST with GPU installed, and seemed to narrowed the issue down to a BIOS issue with the GPU. I was wondering if there was a BIOS update that would allow me to use the card on Legacy bios motherboards.

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0 on 10-06-2017

I had also sent an email to support, but I figured I would post here.

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4 on 12-06-2017

answered thru [email protected]

on 13-06-2017

Followed through and sent pictures via email. Just wondering if there was any news? Thanks again

on 13-06-2017

yes, missing the picture with production number …. or just of the complete backside of the card …

on 13-06-2017

Sent an email of the entire backside of the card

on 14-06-2017


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