CAC-1051 Flicker Problem

Updated on 13-02-2017 in Adapters and Cables
3 on 17-01-2017

Alright so I have a CAC-1051, for those who don’t know it is a DVI-D to Displayport adapter that I use to connect my moniter to my computer.

I have had pretty good experiences with it so far, the 144hz, but the main problem I have had with it since purchase is that it flickers black snow every 5 minutes or so. The flicker lasts for like half a second. I can tell that it is snow static.

My graphics card : AMD RX 480
Moniter : Acer GN246HL
Adapter : CAC-1051
Driver Version : 16.12.2

Is this hardware or software? I have heard that a lot of adapters like these have flicker problems, and want to find a solution.

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0 on 17-01-2017

answered over [email protected] email already

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1 on 13-02-2017

I have the exact same problem with this adapter (however sometime the flicker last 4-5 seconds). My configuration is different as I have a Dell 3007WFPHC and an Intel HD Graphics 520 and the resolution used is 2560×1600 at 60Hz.

I thought that it was maybe related to the USB power but I tried different ports with the same result. Is there a simple solution or check to do?

on 13-02-2017

Hi greatpatton,

Nicholas, was running 1080 at 144Hz on a AMD Graphics, so indeed different from your setup. Result very similar though, and certainly not what it should be !

I will have [email protected] send you an email.

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