CAC-1051 Static / snow picture using display port to dual live dvi

Updated on 09-11-2018 in Adapters and Cables
1 on 09-11-2018

I am using a Nvidia GTX1060 with CAC-1051, and no matter which display port I use on the card, or what resolution I try to run, I get snow / static on the image that is displayed.  Aside from the static, it seems to work.  Same monitor connecting directly to DVI port on vidcard displays all resolutions fine.


please advise?




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0 on 09-11-2018

Please send an email to [email protected], if there is a Firmware Update for this product available, my colleagues at Supprot will be able to provide.

You can just copy above messagein an email and please add what screen you are using (Brand/Type).

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