CAC-1070 Intel HD 4600 with Samsung un43ku6300 — TV does not show up as audio option

Updated on 27-10-2016 in Adapters and Cables
1 on 26-10-2016

I am using the CAC-1070 with Intel HD 4600 Display Port -> HDMI on a Samsung un43ku6300.

Thanks to the help here, I was able to get this to work at 4k 60p through HDMI 1.  However, I only see speakers/headphones in the audio playback section.  Any advice on what I might be doing wrong?


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0 on 27-10-2016

Hi Galabar,

Please do this:
Uninstall current Graphics Driver.
Reboot and Manually download and install (don’t let that auto-updater from Intel do that) Intel Graphics Driver pack,which contains Display Audio Driver plus Graphics driver
You can find it here:

You most probably need to add a custom resolution to the Intel Graphics Driver before you will be able to select it. For connecting TV’s is best to set the Timing Standard to CVT-Reduced Blanking (RB)

Open Intel Graphics Control Panel, Chose “Custom Resolutions” (left bottom option) It will asks you if you wish to continue; YES
Standard the “Basic” setting is shown, click on “Advanced”, Fill in; Width 3840 ; Height 2160 ; Refresh Rate 60 ; Timing Standard CVT-RB ; and click on “ADD” on the right bottom of the window.
Now this resolution I added to the system and can be chosen.
Go back to “General Settings”(left top) , it will show the basic options and here you can now choose the 3840×2160 resolution and 60Hz.


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