CAC-1170 MacBook Pro 13″ 2015 EIZO CS2740 UHD@60Hz RGB

Updated on 18-12-2020 in Adapters and Cables
5 on 05-12-2020


I’ve read all CAC-1170 threads but for now I’m not sure about if it will work with my setup (most people here are using TV’s):

I have a MacBook Pro 13″ 2015 (Broadwell i7 5557U) which is capable running UHD@60Hz over miniDP (Intel Iris 6100). I must use the HDMI port at my monitor (EIZO CS2740) because DP port is already in use. Now I want to use CAC-1170 in order to connect my MacBook over miniDP with HDMI on my monitor. 

Does this adapter (CAC-1170) work with my setup and needs? I want to use UHD@60Hz in RGB color space. And I don’t want to mess around with SwitchResX if possible.


  • Liked by
0 on 17-12-2020

It should work, as their site says:

• Supports UHD resolutions up to 4096 x 2160p @ 60Hz, 8Bit BPC

  • Liked by
0 on 17-12-2020

I’ve tested this adapter and … it works only with SwitchResX. Currently not useable for color critical work because of guessing timings. Monitor reported timings are not working so I’ve used CVT-RB_v2. CVT-RB produces some glitches (black columns but only partial) so this whole mess is not trustworthy.

MacOS (10.15.6) does not report any signal information (HDMI port) and this adapter too. So the CS2740 uses limited color space instead of full. Tested with build in HDMI port and mDP->adapter->HDMI. Signal over mDP reports 10BPC but in reality it is 8BPC.  

Hardware is capable (MacBook and adapter) but software limits it’s usage. macOs and SwitchResX too. macOs because of output limitation and SwitchResX because it is buggy as hell (and won’t work since macOs 11).

  • Liked by
0 on 17-12-2020

I must correct my second post. I’ve tested this adapter with my second MacBook Pro 15″ 2015. Now build in HDMI reports full color space whereas the adapter does report nothing. So there must be some conversion going on or those signal information where simply cut off.

  • Liked by
0 on 18-12-2020

I think the limitations are on the HDMI 2.0 port. That only allows a max of 18Gbps. Meaning the max is 4K 60Hz RGB 8Bit.

You want a total of 20.05Gbps with your preferred settings. 4K 60Hz RGB 10 Bits. So the preferred cable you want would be a DisplayPort cable. Your Mac has a mDP 1.2 which can transfer 21.6Gbps. But that is already in use on the screen…

From what I understand from your screen it has a USB-C input. Have you tried that?

Hopefully this helps a bit :).



  • Liked by
0 on 18-12-2020


this 10bit stuff was only for information purpose. I don’t expect a 10bit signal from a 8bit capable laptop with a HDMI 2.0 adapter at UHD 60Hz RGB 4:4:4. I wanted to show that macOS reports wrong signal information to the monitor regardless which port is used. But the adapter does not supply any signal info in that way and some monitors will not treat this signal correctly.

There is no usb-c port on my MacBook’s. Only HDMI 1.4 and Thunderbold 2.

I think there is no way to use this adapter without using SwitchResX and manually setting Color Space (monitor).

Now I must switch cables every time I switch computers.

Thanks for your response. Maybe I will contact support for clarification regarding signal info stuff. 

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