CAC 1504 and DELL XPS 13 2016 issues

Updated on 10-09-2018 in USB Type C
3 on 01-09-2018


I have a CAC-1504 bought in december 2016 (REV A0-00, FW C002 0004/7.1E 1620) and I have a problem when using it on my DELL XPS 13 2016 (tried on 2 units) : video is right but sound get briefly cut every minute or so for 1 or 2 seconds, which is very annoying.
Do you have a new firmware that could fix this issue ?
Thank you very much.

Best regards

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0 on 06-09-2018

Good day GregFR,
Sorry for the late reaction here … but I think [email protected] already contacted you right ?

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1 on 08-09-2018

Thanks, I got the firmware.
I flashed it and now need to do some testing. I’ll come back to you to tell you if it works better or not.

on 10-09-2018

please do 🙂

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