CAC-2068 DP 1.4, Cable Pin 20 Connected?

Updated on 11-02-2021 in Adapters and Cables
1 on 11-02-2021

So, i’ve searched online if the (CAC-2068 DP 1.4) has an 20 pin, and some say that it doesn’t have the 20 pin..

But today the DP cable has delivered, and i’ve count 20 Pin (With both sides Gold connector in it) So my question is.. is the 20 Pin connected orn’t? and can this cause damage to my GPU?


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0 on 11-02-2021

Hi Quitedsoul,

The CAC-2068 is VESA certified. It has 20 pins but only 19 are connected. Every DP connector has 20 pins. But good cavbles only have 19 connected in their cables.

This link is a good read.

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