Cannot connect with 422 and 10 bit color!

Updated on 10-04-2017 in Members Lounge
10 on 18-07-2016

OK, so I have the Quadro M2000 in my system; all its output ports are DisplayPorts so I feed my LG 21:9 2560×1080 monitor with DisplayPort cable, and my Samsung SUHD TV – since it only has HDMI 2.0 inputs – with my Club3D DP->HDMI 2.0 active adapter, and a high quality, high speed, HDMI 2.0 compatible cable. I have the LG monitor configured as RGB full range, but of course I wanted to configure my Samsung SUHD panel as YCbCr 422 with at least 10 bpc – but I can not !!!

What happens in the nVidia Control Panel is: when I chose YCbCr422 and click Apply, the bpc drop-down list – only offering 8 in RGB mode – contains the choice of 8, 10 and 12 bpc, which is a good sign that the Samsung panel actually supports these (judging from the fact that when I test YCbCr with my LG monitor, which is 8 bit color depth only, no other values for bpc are displayed in the drop-down list but 8). HOWEVER: when I choose 10 bps, the card communicates with the Samsung panel for some 1-2 seconds, and upon clicking “Apply” – reverts to 8 bpc!

I think I tried everything (including “Enable Video Editing Mode” in the Desktop menu of the Control Panel. and “Force 10 bits per Component” in the 3D Settings – nothing works! Even though the choice of 8, 10 and 12 bits per color is offered, my Quadro M2000 and Samsung 49KS8000 only connect in one of the 2 modes:

– YCbCr422 with 8 bps only, and Limited Output Dynamic range, or
– RGB with 8bpc only and Full Output Dynamic Range

I’m a professional videographer, and I need to monitor my editing of 4K, 4:2:2, 10 bpc video footage from the Sony FS7 camera. PLEASE HELP!

With Best Regards,

Piotr Wozniacki

PS. I tried to run your fw updater, but it did nothing (exit with errors)

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1 on 18-07-2016

Here is my update trial DOS window content:

on 24-07-2016

will send you an email from

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6 on 06-08-2016

Even though Marcel has been extremely supportive, I still haven’t managed to enable 10-bit (Deep Color) connection between my Quadro M2000 card and Samsung 49KS8000 SUHD TV (both known to be 100% capable of 10-bit color). Please try to re-write your firmware updarer so that it actually works on my Windows 10 64-bit system! Many Thanks,


on 22-09-2016

Yes I just emailed support I have the same issue. Can’t change the chroma 10 bits works for me @ 1080p not @ 2160 though. Not being able to Chroma @ 10 bits for 2160p 🙁  Also HDMI 2.0 should be updated to HDMI 2.0A for HDR please guys fix this I don’t want to buy another GPU.

on 27-03-2017

Hi gemini002, please check if your screen is set to run at 4:4:4 becuase if it does, you cannot go higher than 8Bit BPC when running is 3840x2160p at 60Hz, otherwise the signal gets too big for HDMI2.0
With regards to the HDR support. i am not sure if this support can be added by firmware update, but as soon as i get info on that we will update on this.

on 27-03-2017

Hi Moldcat,

The updater program most certainly works under WIN10 64bit.
So the error message must have a different cause. Please connect the Adapter to the First DP ouput of the Grpahics Card (the others sometimes give problems with Nvidia cards), when more screens are connected set screen connected thru the adapter as secondary, disconnect other active deviced (such as MST Hubs, Switches and/or active cables).
Odd that the setup work firne but the update program looks to be not able te even see the grahics card …
Did you alredy try a clean driver install ?

Especially when using the upgrade feature to update drivers can give issues, because old files can remain in the registry of windows and can be “in the way”. Please make a new clean driver installation to make sure that part is ok.

When you system does not allow you to do that, you can also use a program like DDU to remove such software:  

on 08-04-2017
Hi gemini002, please check if your screen is set to run at 4:4:4 becuase if it does, you cannot go higher than 8Bit BPC when running is 3840x2160p at 60Hz, otherwise the signal gets too big for HDMI2.0
With regards to the HDR support. i am not sure if this support can be added by firmware update, but as soon as i get info on that we will update on this.From MST1407

 Yes have it working properly but HDR support I would love to get enabled.

on 10-04-2017

Hi gemini002,
I will keep you posted whenever i have news on HDR …

on 10-04-2017


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0 on 24-03-2017

Hi, I don’t know the 8000 series but on the 6/7000 I had to change two things to get UHD 60Hz 8bit 4:4:4 working:
– enable ‘HDMI UHD Color’
– change the HDMI input type to ‘PC’

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