Clamshell mode while using CAC-1170?

Updated on 17-01-2017 in Adapters and Cables
5 on 30-12-2016

Hi, I have a 2015 Macbook Pro and my new CAC-1170 is working fine to enable 4K @ 60hz. One small annoyance I have, though, is the seeming inability of the Macbook to operate in clamshell mode now.

Previous to this I was using the computer in clamshell mode through a normal HDMI cable via the HDMI port, so I don’t think it’s anything wrong with my computer’s setup per se.

Is this a known issue? Does the adapter not send whatever necessary signals there are to enable clamshell mode or whatever? I would just like to know if this is something I will have to live with, or if there is something I am missing to use clamshell mode with the adapter.

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0 on 30-12-2016

Hello Linguica,
Did not hear this one yet …
How did you setup the 4K 60Hz ? Using SwitchResX for that ?

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1 on 30-12-2016

Yes, I used SwitchResX to make the custom resolution to use.

On my last Macbook (a Macbook Air), I had a mini Displayport to HDMI (1.4) dongle that worked in clamshell mode, but I don’t have it anymore so I can’t try it again to compare, sadly.

I tried using my non-2.0 HDMI cable to connect directly from my Macbook’s HDMI port to the TV, and that worked in clamshell mode, which rules out a problem on my TV’s end, at least.

on 02-01-2017

i will forward this one to R&D to see if they have any tips for this one …

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1 on 15-01-2017

Hi, just an update – I had my Mac serviced for what I thought was an unrelated problem with the laptop screen, and it seems to have also fixed the issue I was having here. So no worries anymore, thank you.

on 17-01-2017

Good news 🙂
Thanks for the feedback

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