Club 3D CAC-1010 Adapter DisplayPort > DVI-D benq xl2411z

Updated on 19-03-2021 in Adapters and Cables
1 on 19-03-2021



i bought the Club 3D CAC-1010 Adapter DisplayPort > DVI-D in December. It worked great and i finally could useĀ  the benq xl2411z again and turn to 144 hz . But today it just shows 60 hz in the nvidia control panel. Not even 120 hz. I dont know what happend. I had no problems with the cable yet. Is it broken? or am i doing something wrong? I didnt change anything i even went back to older nvidia drivers but it wont change anything in the Herz menu.

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0 on 19-03-2021

Hi Warrior45451,

Could you try to DDU your GFX drivers and do a fresh install on it? Have you any other device connected to the display? Even turned off sometimes things go funny… even a simple cable.

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