Club 3D DP 1.2 to 3 HDMI monitor problem

Updated on 29-12-2016 in MST Hub
8 on 24-12-2016

Okay so I’m having a problem. I have 3 Asus VE278H monitors and while connected to the hub, they randomly turn on and off in game only it seems like. All power saving settings are turned off as well. My graphics card is a R9 390x. Does anyone have a solution for this?

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4 on 24-12-2016


Here is a video of the problem I am talking about.

on 27-12-2016

Hi Friendkiller96,

What Graphics driver ar you currently using ?

on 28-12-2016

The GPU Driver is Crimson 16.11.5

on 28-12-2016

Hi Friendkiller96,

For your R9 390X I think Driver version 16.8.3 is overall working best. I know AMD made many small driver updates after that, however all aimed at RX400 series and non that I know of for R7/9 200 or 300 Series. So please try this:

Uninstall the Graphics driver and all related Graphics software like Afterburner/GPU-Z or whatever graphics related software you might have installed.

Best way to remove Driver Software is to boot Windows in Safe mode, so the registry can also be cleaned. If your system does not allow you to do that, you can also use a program like DDU to remove such software:

Reboot and manually download and install 16.8.3 graphics driver (don’t let auto installer from Windows do that). You can find that here:

I will have [email protected] send you an email with latest firmware for the MST Hub so you can update it.
One more question: You are using normal HDMI Cables to go from MST HUB to Screens ?

on 28-12-2016

I will do those steps when I get home. Just got the firmware email as well!
And I am using normal HDMI cables except for one. It is going through an Elgato for recording.

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2 on 29-12-2016

I did those steps, and used the frimware that was sent to me from the support email, but it didn’t work. Screen still flickers in and out only while in game. 

on 29-12-2016

can you please try to disbale crossfire, connect 3 screens to see what it does then …

on 29-12-2016

I never have crossfire on.
Reason being is because it would disable the monitors connected to the GPU.

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