CSV-1460 + macOS 10.15 Catalina

Updated on 30-01-2024 in USB Type C
6 on 21-10-2019
I’m using CSV-1460 together with MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, macOS 10.15 Catalina) and LG 32UD59 4k display. As the hub stopped working after upgrading the MacBook to Catalina (installed DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for macOS 5.2.dmg), I updated this driver to DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for macOS 5.2.1 Beta 3.dmg (downloaded from here: https://www.displaylink.com/downloads/macos).
It works now, but with some issues. First of all, when I connect the hup to my computer, the external display gets detected, but I end up with the black screen (I see mouse cursor in it, though, but nothing more). What I have to do, is turning Mirrored Display on for a second, then turning it off, and everything works.
Moreover, external display not always is detected after connecting it or waking up the computer from sleep (10 – 15% of cases). It also happened once, that after waking up the computer, the whole system got frozen and I had to restart it.
I am aware it is a beta version of a driver, so I am looking forward to the final one (does anybody know when we can expect it?). I’m leaving this comment here because maybe it will help somebody else.
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2 on 22-10-2019

Hello Bartofmonto,

my question is have you uninstalled the previous displaylink drivers before you installed the new ones ?

could you uninstall the drivers and re-install it, if updated form an older driver this may give issues. 

on 22-10-2019
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0 on 22-10-2019

Hey Clubbie, I uninstalled the old driver, as far as I remember. To be absolutely sure, I will follow the instruction you attached. Thanks!

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0 on 23-10-2019

Hello Clubbie, I just wanna confirm that the solution you suggested worked. Now everything seems no be fine. Thank you!

It might be worth to consider to place both links (to the new driver, and to that instruction you posted yesterday) on the product page. 

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0 on 24-10-2019

Hello Bartofmonto,

Thank you for the confirmation and feedback.

i’m glad everything works fine.

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