CSV-5400 and RX 5700 XT fail

Updated on 16-01-2020 in MST Hub
32 on 17-08-2019

Hi, so I just build a new computer, it contains an RX 5700 XT graphics card, but it seems like it doesn’t support my MST hub at the moment? I normally have four screens connected to my MST hub and it has always worked (before this I had a Fury X). But now only one screen turns on, the rest stays inactive.. No matter what I try. Is this a known issue they are working on?

  • Liked by
0 on 19-08-2019

Hi Nickske00

I need to check into this, the RX5700 is a very new card and things have to be verified. i will get back to you as soon as i can.

  • Liked by
0 on 19-08-2019


Thanks for your reply! 🙂 I’ll just wait until you have looked at it.

I also submitted a bug report with AMD, I hope this is just a driver issue and not a hardware limitation, or something from the displayport spec they forgot (not sure that is possible?)…

  • Liked by
0 on 20-08-2019


would you be so kind to let me know what monitors you are using, just for reference.


thank you


  • Liked by
0 on 20-08-2019


I got the Samsung MD230X6 set. This is an eyefinity setup Samsung once made. Every screen is connected with the displayport connection (and with the cables that came originally with them).

  • Liked by
0 on 21-08-2019


Testing with the RX5700 have shown the card is able to run 4 screens by the CSV-5400 mst-hub.

Could you try plugging the cables in one by one, waiting for the reconition of the screen before plugging in the next cable. By using this method we were able to get the 4 screens working.

Please let us know if this solves your problem.

  • Liked by
0 on 21-08-2019

Hi Clubbie,

I just got home and tried it, but it didn’t work… 🙁 Only the first monitor connected turns on, the rest stay inactive. Did you guys use the latest driver (19.8.1) or another version?

  • Liked by
0 on 21-08-2019

But isn’t it weird one screen always works? I would suspect it working or not, and not like in this case, only one… Looks like it has trouble splitting the signals, and only picks one out of four..

  • Liked by
0 on 22-08-2019


Do you have the external power adapter of the CSV-5400 plugged in?

does one screen always works on the same port? you might want to try the ports individualy. that would rule out a port not producing a signal.

if established that all ports work, reconnect the cables again one by one but this time use the reset button after connecting each cable. the csv-5400 will activly search for a signal this way.

please let me know if this works.

  • Liked by
0 on 22-08-2019

Hi Clubbie,

This morning before work I did some tinkering with the setup, I tried old drivers (19.7.5, 19.7.4 and 19.7.3) but nothing changed (not sure I should try .2 and .1?).

The hub works, when I boot it works in mirror mode and the four screens just work. When there is no driver installed (windows then uses the microsoft basic display driver, or how it’s called), it’s also in mirror mode and just works (so I think we can rule out a defective port?).

As soon as I install the amd driver three screens turn off, only one stays active (and the two screens directly connected to the card turn on).

Then something I noticed about the ports on the hub, it has four connections, lets call them CON1, CON2, CON3 and CON4. When I connect a sreen to CON1 it turns on, every screen after that stays off (also after pressing the reset button).

When you first connect CON4 it turns on, the ones after that stay off. BUT, if you start with CON4 and press the reset button he always switches over to the lowest connected port. So if you connect CON4 first and then CON1, CON4 is on, you press the reset button and the screen on CON1 turns on, CON4 turns off…

Same when you start with CON3, it’s on, you connect CON2 (stays off at first), push the reset button, CON2 turns on, and CON3 turns off…

I hope you understand all of this and are something with it. 😉 Trying my best to explain it in English. 🙂

  • Liked by
0 on 22-08-2019

Only thing I didn’t check this morning was the power, but I will do this when I get home (but I suppose it’s connected as mirroring works just fine, or does this also work when the power isn’t connected?).

  • Liked by
0 on 22-08-2019


Could you use DDU (Dispaly Driver Uninstaller), this removes all previous drivers. then please install the latest AMD driver.

please let me know if this solves the issue 🙂


  • Liked by
1 on 22-08-2019

Hi Clubbie,

I just went home during my break and did all this (run DDU, reboot in safe mode and ran it again), still nothing (even redownloaded the driver from the amd website before I reinstalled it)… 🙁
Also found the original packing of my hub, it says: REV.:A2-01 FW:0.60 this is still the most recent?

on 22-08-2019


Would you be so kind to send an email to [email protected] for a firmware update for the CSV-5400.

in addition when you connect the MST-hub to your video card use the DP port on the far left. Also could you let me know what brand the card is from and how many DP ports it has.

thank you 🙂

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  • Liked by
0 on 22-08-2019

It’s a card from Sapphire, https://www.sapphiretech.com/en/consumer/21293-01-40g-radeon-rx-5700-xt-8g-gddr6 Part nr 21293-01-40G.

With ‘most left connection’, do you mean when the card is installed? The connection with the red square around?

  • Liked by
1 on 24-08-2019

I received the firmware, the first problem is, I can’t update it from the RX 5700 XT. It doesn’t detect the hub.

Application logfile:

Gfx Selection = 0
Graphics adapter initialization - NVIDIA: failed! (-2)
Graphics adapter initialization - AMD: done!
AMD Adapter num = 8
Active Adapter# 0 (Num of Disp = 15)
LogicId# 4 [DP]: Failed
Graphics adapter initialization - Intel (LS-PCON): failed! (-2147221164)

Luckily for me, I have an older setup (gathering dust) with an older amd card with two minidisplayport connectors, so with a lot of adapters I hooked it up on that setup and performed the firmware update.

But it didn’t make a difference… Still only one screen on the hub turns on. No matter which displayport port I choose on the card, no matter in what order I plug the screens in on the hub, no matter how many times I push the reset button on the hub.. Always only one screen… :'(

I’m still convinced this is just a driver thing… Maybe you guys can ask AMD? I can keep submitting bug reports, but when a company like you tell them this, maybe they’ll listen? 🙂

on 28-08-2019


thank you for the information may i ask why the logfile shows a Nvidia fail as well?


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  • Liked by
0 on 28-08-2019

I have no idea, I think it just checks everything? (I didn’t write the tool so I don’t know what it checks :P). But this is the log from the setup where I performed the firmware update:

Gfx Selection = 0
Graphics adapter initialization - NVIDIA: failed! (-2)
Graphics adapter initialization - AMD: done!
AMD Adapter num = 8
Active Adapter# 0 (Num of Disp = 14)
LogicId# 1 [DP]: OK
  • Liked by
0 on 02-09-2019

Small update here, I contacted Sapphire and got this response:

Dear Sir/Madam:
According AMD RX5700 XT specification, the card does not support MST hub

I now asked if this is their specification or AMD’s. Because XFX claims Eyefinity support for six monitors on their website ( http://www.xfxforce.com/en-us/products/amd-radeon-rx-5000-series/amd-radeon-rx-5700xt-8gb-3xdp-hdmi-rx-57xt8mfd6 ). So I’m also trying to contact XFX to find out they tested this before I’m buying another card to find out later it isn’t working either… 🙂

As you guys made cards in the past, is this something you can decide as manufacturer? To enable things like eyefinity etc?

  • Liked by
0 on 04-09-2019

Got myself an Asus today, still nothing, even though they have 6 displays in their specifications… https://www.asus.com/Graphics-Cards/RX5700XT-8G/specifications/

Clubbie, what brand did you guys get it working on?

  • Liked by
0 on 12-09-2019

Hi Nick,

we got it working on a rx5700 from power color. although i have the strong feeling the issue is not with the card or the adaptor.


  • Liked by
1 on 12-09-2019

I have tested this on four MST hubs and none of them worked. All behaved the same, only one screen…

MST hubs tested:
Club3D CSV-5400 (https://www.club-3d.com/en/detail/2411/multi_stream_transport_(mst)_hub_displayportt_1.2_quad_monitor/ )
Club3D CSV-6400 (https://www.club-3d.com/en/detail/2434/multi_stream_transport_(mst)_hub_displayportt_1.2_quad_monitor_usb_powered/ )
Startech MSTDP124DP (https://www.startech.com/be/AV/display-and-video-adapters/Displayport-Adapters/mst-hub-displayport~MSTDP124DP )
Delock 87737 (https://www.delock.com/produkt/87737/merkmale.html )

I’m in contact with AMD tech support, and after testing the Delock hub yesterday this guy was gonna ask this internally and get back to me when he had more information.

I’m also in contact with Asus, had to fill out a form today so he could let them investigate this internally.

So I hope this will finally get resolved, as AMD tech support provided me information earlier stating the chip just supports six screens with an mst hub.

on 12-09-2019

Good to hear,

will be looking forward to their findings. 🙂

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  • Liked by
0 on 12-09-2019

Same here… After spending all this money on hubs and an extra card… 😛

  • Liked by
0 on 17-09-2019

Small update, got a reply from amd tech support today, they are gonna investigate, it might take some time… 🙂

Thank you for the patience.
We have raised an issue report from Engineering level for investigation on this issue. It might take some time as it requires time to test the issue.
As of now, I do not have any solution for this. I request your consent to close this service request.
Thank you for contacting AMD.
  • Liked by
1 on 19-09-2019

Got some great news today:

We were able to reproduce the issue and will look to resolve it in a future driver update. There is no ETA for when this update will become available, but you can check the release notes of future driver releases and look at the Resolved Issues section of the driver release notes for additional updates.

No ETA but at least it’s on their list now. 🙂

on 19-09-2019


This is indeed great news, would you be so kind to share the solution with all of us on the forum ones you have one. Will be greatly appreciated.

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  • Liked by
0 on 19-09-2019

Hey Clubbie,

It’s just a driver update, so the solution will be installing the new driver once it’s released (and the release notes mention this fix). 😛

After the previous email I replied with the MST hubs I tested and the reason why I thought this was driver related, looks like I was right. 🙂

Part of my email:

I personally think it’s the driver who is limiting the output to one screen per displayport connection.

In the past I had sort of this problem with my Fury X. At first I used the Club3D CSV-5400 to connect four screens to one connection and the other two screens directly to the card. This all worked fine until a driver update (don’t remember which one). After that driver update the card would only see three screens connected to the hub; no matter what I tried. The solution back then was just buying another MST hub and only connect three screens per hub. So I know the driver can limit the amount of screens supported per displayport connection.

  • Liked by
0 on 20-09-2019

Hi Nickske,

Thank you for your reply, im glad your problem will be solved by a driver update.


  • Liked by
1 on 09-12-2019

Small update, still no fix in the drivers (I hope they make it in the Adrenalin 2020 edition).

But I found out the card supports Displayport MST by playing with Linux (was tinkering with Ubuntu). Four screens on one MST hub are working perfectly. Only problem on Linux is the driver hangs when you turn on more than 4 screens. But at least I now know the hardware supports Displayport MST.

on 17-12-2019

Hi nickske,

That is some good news and a big compliment towards club3D hardware. Hopefully AMD will bring new drivers soon.

Thank you for keeping us notified.

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  • Liked by
0 on 12-01-2020

With version 20.1.1 everything works again. I see no mention of it in the changelog (maybe I missed it, but I checked two times).

  • Liked by
0 on 16-01-2020

Hi Nickske00,

That is great feedback thank you.

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