CSV-6400 vs CSV-5400. Whys is CSV-5400 more expensive?

Updated on 16-11-2018 in MST Hub
1 on 16-11-2018

What is the difference between the CSV-6400 and the CSV-5400 other than the CSV-6400 is USB powered?  Is USB powered a benefit?  It seems on Amazon that the CSV-5400 is more expensive, so I’m assuming that it must be better for a reason.  Perhaps it has been out on the market longer than the CSV-6400, so is more popular than the newer “CSV-6400”.  Is there a better reason than this?

According to:


> CSV-6400 follows up on CSV-5400, the Quad Monitor MST Hub equipped with a power supply that has been sold and put on EOL with November 2017.

Does that mean that the CSV-5400 went “End Of Life” in November 2017, and the CSV-6400 replaced it?

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0 on 16-11-2018

Hello tysonflint,

Indeed the CSV-5400 is EOL at Club3D and we replaced it with CSV-6400. This CSV-6400 does not have a separate Power Adapter (USB powered as you already noticed) and is packed in polybag packing in order to make the solution more price attractive.

The chipset inside is the same, so there is no difference there,

Is USB powered a benefit? Price-wise it is yes, not only does it save cost because you don’t have to buy the power adapter, and it is also gets much cheaper in shipping cost due to the fact that both volume and weight is much lower. Added the PolyBag packing instead of Retailbox and we have a considerable price difference. And the best thing is that the specs are indetical due the to fact that the Chipset inside is the same.


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