Hi mblataric,
Please try first without the Denon receiever in between.
FW version is mentioned on the label of the Adapter should be someting like “V7.55”.
In general
Setups with TV’s normally work best by making a custom resolution, 3840*2160 at 60 Hz with Timing Standard set to CVT-RB (Reduced Blanking).
(For setups with Monitors Timing Standard can remain on “auto”.)
On most TV’s you will need to do some settings like “Enhanced Mode”/ “PC-Mode” and/or “UHD Color” for the HDMI 2.0 port in use.
Please make sure the HDMI port of the Screen/TV supports 4K 60 Hz, often not all HDMI inputs support that.
Pleas make sure to use a Premium HDMI 2.0 cable capable of doing 4K 60Hz / 18Gbps
To be able to generate such a Custom Resolution you will need an app like SwitchResX since MAC OS does not provide such settings.
Should be something like this, please do make sure to have it set to “CVT-RB”

You might need to make a new user, certainly if you already had it installed before.