Hi, we have on our Club 3D CSV-1564W65 no ipv6 through the dockingstation.
The laptop get not an ipv6 ip through the docking. same laptop get an ipv6 address on the onboard nic.
Any idea what our problem is?
Could you mail [email protected] with this issue?
Could you mail support@club-3d.com with this issue?
1 MST1407 1.3K 28
2 Baak 598 22
3 Paul 459 40
4 joevt 408 56
5 CLUBBIE 269 9
6 RoyalKing 153 15
7 Pittyh 60 3
8 net200777 56 2
9 ost 53 13
10 Mu7ammad 44 4
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