Signal going away

Updated on 11-01-2021 in MST Hub
1 on 10-01-2021

Hi! I have a Club 3D Multi Stream Transport DisplayPort 1.2 Dual Monitor HUB and am experiencing some crazy things. Every now and again, the signal to the monitors goes away. I am using a KVM switch, linked to two computers, one running Arch Linux, the other Windows, and the thing is the same on both systems. For most of the time, it is fine, I can use the computer, but every half an hour or so, the DP signal just goes away for a minute and then comes back. I can unplug the hub from the kvm and plug it into the machine, and the thing is the same, when no signal, no signal. I power the hub by a microUSb phone charger plugged into power outlet. Any ideas what can cause this and how to solve it?

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0 on 11-01-2021

Hi Leventelenior,

I doubt the MSTs are designed to be put in a KVM switch.

Which MST, KVM, Displays, input GPU do you use? (modelnumbers) Resolutions?


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