Third monitor not detected in CSV3242 Docking Station

Updated on 08-04-2022 in Docking Station
1 on 07-04-2022

I am using HP laptop. CSV3242 USB 3.0 Docking Station. Display 1 would be the internal display.  Display 2 is connected via HDMI cable to docking station. Display 3 is connected into the docking station using DVI cord to DVI to Displayport adapter to Displayport port in monitor.  Display 3 is not detected. What am I doing wrong? 

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0 on 08-04-2022

Did you install the drivers from the website?

Under the tab downloads.

Your setup is:

Dock -> DVI cable -> DVI to DP adapter -> Display?

Which adapter? If it is an active adapter it won’t work.

As far as I know there are no DVI to DP adapters/cables that work, but I could be wrong 🙁

If your display has an HDMI port it’s suggest the CAC-1210

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