Two displayports merged into one?

Updated on 06-03-2024 in MST Hub
2 on 17-10-2016

I have a monitor that connects one displayport cable into two pannels.
But now i want to feed it from two graphics cards. so i need a “Multi Stream Transport (MST) Hub DisplayPort™ 1.2 Dual Monitor” but reverced. Two DP cables in and one out.
Have anyone seen that?


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0 on 18-10-2016


Sorry but we do not have a reversed MST HUB.

I am not sure what you mean by “i have a monitor that connects 1 dp cable into 2 panels”
I mean i know of screens that are 4K and need 2 separate signal inputs, 1 for the left side and one for the right side of the screen. But that would be the oposite …

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