Blurry Screen issues

Updated on 13-02-2017 in Docking Station
1 on 10-02-2017

Hi there, I recently purchased the USB 3.0 4K Mini Docking Station and after installing the software and updating all drivers I had it working great but my second screen is blurry and hard to read text on it. Is there a way to fix it? I am using HDMI cable. thanks

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0 on 13-02-2017

Hello Jansnan,
i am going at assume you have a laptop (without dual graphics feature) on windows.

Please do this:
Disconnect the docking station.
In install all Displaylink software/drivers.
Reboot system.
Dowload and install latest available Displaylink drivers from here:

Reboot ssytem again and connect Docking Station, second screen should work ok now.

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