I am now on my second cac-1010-a hdcp off display adapter, because the first had shimmering lines of green appearing on black or near black backgrounds. My problem is that, now this new adapter shows the exact same green lines and noise, on all dark backgrounds as seen on these images.
The wallpaper is 100% black, but this error also appears on dark grey, and dark blue, but it is harder to get on a picture.
Am I doing something wrong, or is there something wrong with both adapters??
I am using an Apple Cinema Display 30″ with an Nvidia RTX 3090 gfx cards. I have tried all Display Port connections, which by the way all work fine with my Samsung G7 monitor, and the Cinema Display has a perfect image on an older pc with proper DVI-D port, but I wanted to use the ACD as on my primary work station instead of the old machine. Latest studio gfx driver installed.

Thank you for your time 🙂