Club 3d Festive Season Giveaway 4 Surround / Question for multi monitor gaming

Updated on 24-12-2014 in Members Lounge
2 on 24-12-2014

It’s my first post and I came originally to buy one of your devices. I have 4 monitors and wanted to see if the MST would work in combining the 4 30″ 1600p monitors to also do console gaming (super smash bros).

With that my titans in my system went out the door and I remembered fondly my x800xl from you guys and would love to go back! Unfortunately money is tight so I can’t actually get a new GPU and stuck with a bleh GPU.

It’s a 10 year old lian li case custom modded to perfection with lots of air cooling. Sadly please dont get mad with the EVGA card in their. Its no longer there since well it STB. WOuld love to be able to come back to CLub3d after having your X800xl years ago (AMAZING CARD).

Also, even if I don’t win I would really really LOVE your advice on how to get the 4 monitors to work with a console system like the Wii U (HDMI) since I do not TV.

Love what you guys are doing!

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0 on 24-12-2014

Hi and welcome to Insights!
Interesting system you have and in regards to MST + Console gaming I do not think that is possible as the consoles do not have a DisplayPort output.
Also note that a single DP port you are able to use up to two 1600p if you use it with a discreet graphic card.

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0 on 24-12-2014

Yeah I had sli Titans before but sadly $$ was an issue and then Death by taxes. IF you check the IMGUR link you can get a better idea of how the case was further modded. 

I didnt want to overload the system with photos.

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