csv-2302 + CSV-5400

Updated on 07-04-2015 in MST Hub
1 on 06-04-2015

I am wondering if using using csv-2302 + CSV-5400, can have a display from USB3.0 to 4 displays in mosaicĀ  mode?
is this solution compatible with a software like http://www.fly.elise-ng.net/ to get one warmed and blended display with 4 projectors?
Best regards

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0 on 07-04-2015

You cannot use the CSV-2302+CSV-5400 as the MST Hub requires to have a direct connection to the GPU, not through the displaylink chipset found on the USB Graphics adapter.
We do not know much of the fly elise software but if you are using a graphics gpu that supports several pipelines such as the AMD Radeon discreet graphics (up to 6 displays) and a driver that can combine several displays to create a SLS panel it should not be an issue to use the CSV-5400 (DisplayPort required) with the fly elise.

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