Dying fan

Updated on 24-03-2015 in Others
3 on 21-03-2015

After years of enjoying my Club3D 5770 Graphics cards (the CGAX-57724C ), I fear old age is slowly taking it’s toll. sadly the fan is slowly dying.
At the moment it still cools pretty good but it’s making more and more noise everyday.

I was hoping that perhaps you still have a spare replacement fan laying around in a corner somewhere that I could purchase. Or know of a 3rd party fan that will fit on there.

Met vriendelijke groet,

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0 on 21-03-2015

Hi Antarctic,
We will check in the office if we have a spare cooler for you and try to get back to you as soon as we can.


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1 on 24-03-2015

Hi Antarctic,
We have checked here and we do not have a replacement fan. The card is from 2009 and unfortunately our repair center does not hold stock of these any longer.
Kind regards

on 24-03-2015

Hi Paul,

Thank you for looking, shame that you don’t have them anymore but it’s understandable after so many years.

I guess that I’ll have to choose between something from arctic or just buying a new card. Thank you again.

Mvg. Antartic

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