How to I activate 4:4:4 to 4:2:0 downconversion on CAC-1070?

Updated on 28-02-2017 in Adapters and Cables
7 on 11-02-2017

I have an older 4K TV and it only supports 4K@60Hz at 4:2:0.
I bought a CAC-1070 mainly because I read online that it supports 4:4:4 to 4:2:0 downconversion but it dosen’t seem to be working, how do I activate it? (Can only select 30Hz on anything above 1080P on an older NVidia card)

I had a look inside and found it uses the PS176 chip which ive read is supposed to support this function.
Is it the NVidia driver being overly clever? or is this function not active in your adapter?

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2 on 13-02-2017

Hi willyarma,

The system will get EDID info from the screen at boot. Screen will tell the system what the screen can handle and system will provide if it can.
When this “digital handshake” does not go well, the system will “make up” something itself.
There shold be a work-around for that or sometimes a firmware update can help. But let’s
start with …
What system you have (CPU / Operating System) ?
What Graphics is inside ? (Older than Maxwell) ?
What Screen do you have (brand and type) ?
What HDMI Cable do you have (brand and type and/or 4K 60Hz / 18Gbps capable ) ?

on 14-02-2017

It looks like the EDID from the TV goes straight to my PC becuase in the NVidia control panel the connection comes up as HDMI, and thats the only way it could know.
The adapter works fine on my GTX960 as does going direct with its HDMI output.
The older card I mentioned is an NVIDIA NVS 295 which can do above 1080P at 60Hz using displayport no problem, but I think because the TVs EDID is going straight to the card its not realising that theres a 4:2:0 converter in the path. What I need is a displayport EDID spoofer which isnt a product that exsists! I have a HDMI one, but it dosent help. The TV is an LG 42UB820V (which was obsolete before I ever watched any 4K on it!) I have several PC’s but this one that im testing with is a spare made from old parts, its a Q6600 core2quad running Windows 10. The HDMI cable is unbranded, but as I said before my GTX960 works through it as does my Samsung UHD blu-ray player.

on 15-02-2017

Hi Willyarma,

The Quadro NVS 295 is a  Tesla GPU, and i am quite sure that this is not compatible with the adapter in the sence that it can output 4K 602Hz over it. With Kepler GPU’s it is already a “challange” but with older GPU’s that would become “close to impossible”. Also are you sure a NVS 295 can output 4K 60 Hz … i think max is 2560×1600 ,,,

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1 on 15-02-2017

Sorry, I never expected the NVS295 to do 4K at 60Hz. I actually said “anything above 1080P” :p

on 28-02-2017

It all depends on the pixel clock. Doesn’t Nvidia provide any detailed specs?

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1 on 15-02-2017

I have tust tried it on a newer TV that supports HDMI 2.0 and I still cannot select anything above 1080P at 60Hz, e.g. 1920×1440 only allows 30Hz.
I’m thinking the EDID theory is partly wrong.
I’ve tried custom resolutions and they dont work at all.

on 22-02-2017

i cannot help you with a EDID spoofer, but perhaps a program like CustomResolutionUtility CRU will give you other options than the Nvidia driver …


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