what active adaptateur for hd7770 ?

Updated on 09-04-2018 in HD 7000 Series
14 on 16-03-2018

hello club3d, i want use 3 monitor on my old 7770
my config is one vga and 2 dvi
for the 3th, i’ve tryed 2 different cheap active mini display port > hdmi + hdmi > dvi cable without succes
update today the driver
no signal on displayport output
only 2 screen detected in display setting on windows 10

need a minidp > dvi-d adaptater ?

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0 on 16-03-2018

Good day papourien,

That card was far ahead of its time šŸ™‚
This card supports more screens than 2 however you will have use the Eyfinity feature of the card. You do this by using the DP ouput of the card. When connecting a Screen with DP in put you can use a passive adapter, when using a screen without DP input you will need to use an active adapter with Eyefinity support.
Which HD7770 card do you have (brand/Type)? So i see the outputs on the card …
If i understand correctly your screens areĀ 
Screen 1 is VGA inputĀ 
Screen 2 and 3 have DVI input.
All screens are 1920 x 1080 ?

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0 on 16-03-2018

hi mst,
the graphic cart is a msi R7770 2PMD1GD5/oc
dvi-i + hmid + 2 mini display
and the screens are one 1920×1080 and two 1024×1280
it’s a cheap configuration but realy usefull, i used it with on a intel hd505 chipset
i dont really need eyefinity, i prefer 3 independant ecran for multitask
after all i read, my config would works with a active adaptaeur, but the both i’ve tried din’t works
i’m thinking about buying a miniDP/DP cable for testing my dp output on friend’s native DP screen
maybee a good active adaptater fix my problem…
if not, i’ll change one screen…

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7 on 17-03-2018

i’ll go forĀ CAC-2170, will see…

on 19-03-2018

Hi papourien,
If your screens have HDMi input a CAC-2170 will do fine,
If it is only DVI than a CAC-1152 will be good.

on 19-03-2018

my screen are dvi, but i’ve the cable hdmi/dvi in 10ft, if i can keep it
will be a problem ?

on 20-03-2018

that would be depend on the cable but could be an issue yes.
certainly if your cable is an active one it will most probably not work

on 22-03-2018

same result, dont works :'(
no screen detected, at least, the screen detect the cable and go sleep
the cable is a standard hdmi/dvi bidirecrtionnal
i’ll try the dvi one and if works, buy a 3m dvi/dvi cable…
thanks amazon’s politicy return

on 22-03-2018

thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience

on 26-03-2018

no work with minidv>dvi activ adapt šŸ™
i dont understand…
i need a true displayport screen for trying my video output…

on 26-03-2018

Try connecting the Mini DP – to DVI active adapter plus only 1 extra external screen to see if that works …

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3 on 26-03-2018

no wokrs
i tried boot pc with one screen on display port without success

on 27-03-2018

sounds like the DP output is not working at all ….

on 07-04-2018

so…my graphic card works with Benq screen with midi DP > DP cable
after 4 different “active miniDP > something” adaptator, i’ll go for a screen…

on 09-04-2018

thanks for the feedback

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