Issue with warranty RoyalQueen R7 260x 2048MB

Updated on 17-08-2017 in R7 260 Series
6 on 13-08-2017

My GPU just died today. I lost my bill of sale (or receipt IDKN) and the shop i bought this card and where i have .PDF version of my bill, this shop has gone bankrupt last few month ago. I  don’t know what i can do now with it. Isi it posible to send card or a warranty without bill fot this gpu. I have box and all stuff i get with card

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0 on 15-08-2017

Good day tobexor,

Sorry to hear this.
Please send a picture of the backside of the Graphics Card to
There should be little stickers there with Item-Code (something like CGAX-R726X6C),
serial number and production number base don that we can determine if the card is still within warranty period. Olease also send the PDF of the of your purchase invoice.

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4 on 15-08-2017

And here is the point of my problem 
I don’t have any purchase invoice, i lost my and i can’t get pdf version from my shop where i bought this card because (this shop) went bankrupt a few month ago, website of this shop doesn’t exist anymore

on 16-08-2017

Hi tobexor,
Sorry i thought you said you did have PDF version of the bill.
Anyway we should be able to determine if the card is within warranty for us from the serial number. You send picture of the backside of the card to already ?

on 16-08-2017

not jet I’ll do it right now

on 16-08-2017

not jet 

I’ll do it right now
and here

on 17-08-2017

replied by email from RMA department

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