CSV-1560 always charging

Updated on 13-05-2019 in Docking Station
4 on 09-05-2019


I have bought a new Club 3D dual monitor USB-C adapter. I am using a Lenovo C930 and there is an issue

It is always charging the PC. Is it usual? It is the same for 2 usb-c ports that laptop has. 

Usually, I use laptop without charging and I only cahrge when battery is depleted. I believe this use increase battery life span. Now I use that ability. What do you suggest?


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3 on 13-05-2019

Hello Seaquest,

the csv-1560 is a dockingstation. these products do not regulate charging since it is not a required. your laptop should regulate the charging. this means  there should be software deliver to you with the laptop or you can make use of the windows power profiles.



on 13-05-2019

It is CSV-1560

on 13-05-2019

Hello Seaquest,

the csv-1560 is a dockingstation. these products do not regulate charging since it is not a required. your laptop should regulate the charging. this means there should be software deliver to you with the laptop or you can make use of the windows power profiles.

on 13-05-2019

in addition most usb-charge output can be regulated within the bios of the computer as well. please beware with this option and it might be wise to contact your laptop supplier

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